As a Miami Loan Modification Law Firm Diaz & Associates, P.A. can work with you and your bank to obtain the best possible terms for you. Making your payment affordable so that you can avoid foreclosure is our goal.
As a Miami Loan Modification Law Firm Diaz & Associates, P.A. can work with you and your bank to obtain the best possible terms for you. Making your payment affordable so that you can avoid foreclosure is our goal.
Prior to deciding what Florida Foreclosure Defense tactic to employ, you should acquire at least a basic understanding of Florida Foreclosure Laws. The goal of your defense is to either stall or stop the foreclosure in its entirety.
Because the Bankruptcy Code combines both federal and state laws, it can be very complicated. It is advisable that you contact a Miami Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyers who will more fully explain and elaborate on any bankruptcy issues.
Dealing, on your own, with debt collectors or collections agencies can be both frustrating and aggravating. We are here and ready to help. We can provide legal representation and advise on any Debt Settlement matters you may have.
We offer a full range of immigration services including asylum, deportation, immigrant and non-immigrant visas, and green card applications. In addition we can aid with obtaining student visas, work-related visas and business visas.
Diaz & Associates P. A.
9370 Sunset Drive Suite A-110
Miami, FL 33173
(305) 598-1800 Local
(877) 404-6487 Toll Free
A pending foreclosure on your home can be quite scary. You can potentially avoid foreclosure by working with your lender to modify your mortgage. Banks lend money and make their profit by collecting the interest on these loans. They do not want to be homeowners. If they foreclose, there is the real possibility that they will have to resell your home for less money than you owe. And of course, maintaining the dwelling, while it sits waiting to be resold, can be very problematic for them. This being the case, they could possibly be convinced to change certain elements of your mortgage so that you can afford the monthly payments which in turn will allow you to keep your home.
Such modifications to your loan could comprise of reductions in the interest rate, or increasing the duration of your mortgage. Either or both would reduce monthly payments and make owning your home more affordable. In some cases even the principle amount due has been reduced in order to bring the amount owed closer to the present value of the home. This whole process can be very daunting to anyone not versed in the law or not having the experience necessary to successfully negotiate a favorable loan modification.
As a Miami Loan Modification Law Firm we can work with you and your bank to obtain the best possible terms for you. Making your payment affordable so that you can avoid foreclosure is our goal. It is a win-win situation if your home avoids foreclosure. If you are in arrears in your payments or are suffering economic hardships with your home mortgage payments, contact Diaz & Associates P. A., your South Florida Loan Modification Law Firm, who will work with your bank to negotiate a loan modification that will allow you to keep your home.
The Making Home Affordable Program is an essential portion of the present administration's strategy to help distressed homeowners avoid foreclosure. In doing so, it will help to stabilize the country's housing market and improve the overall economy of our nation. Eligible homeowners can effectively lower their monthly payments and obtain secure loans at today's low mortgage rates. The program can provide a means for those who cannot afford their present mortgage payments to keep their home out of foreclosure. There are also options for unemployed homeowners and for those who owe more than the present value of their homes.
If you live in Miami, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale or anywhere else in the Miami-Dade, or Broward Counties, and have a question about loan modifications and this government program, please contact Diaz & Associates P. A. We would be pleased to help you through these troubled times.
Diaz & Associates P. A.
9370 Sunset Drive
Suite A-110
Miami, FL 33173
(305) 598-1800 Local
(877) 404-6487 Toll Free
We also have a New Jersey Loan Modification Attorney available in our Mt. Laurel office for New Jersey residents, and a New York Loan Modification Attorney for our New York City clients.